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Showing posts from September, 2023

The Cult

  The Cult The people I surround myself with is 100% on purpose. I have been really bad about keeping up with my blog. So first off, I want to apologize for that because I know that people are actually reading this and somewhat enjoying it. I feel like I owe something to my readers to give them a schedule to keep me on. But dang it, if it's not a parallel to what I wanted to talk about. How many teachers have friends outside of work that are teachers? It's a phenomenon that I never really noticed until my wife brought it up. I don't know if it's just us or if this impacts other teachers: We have very few teacher friends. Hear me out, it's not like we weren't friendly with other teachers or were polite at required functions. I have taught with some wonderful human beings over my 13 years. But there aren't many that I would purposefully hang out with outside of school. There have been attempts at Friday Appetizers or other social events, but nothing that I rea...

Parenting in the 8-5

And I Thought Being a Parent Was Hard Before Magic claw has no children. His days are free and easy. - Bandit Heeler It's so hard to start this one on the right note. In no way shape or form do I ever want to come across as perfect, nor do I want to be cynical. If this next statement offends you, maybe it should? Maybe it shouldn't? I feel like the best way to be is to press onward hoping that you still want to come along for the ride. PARENTING AS A TEACHER IS SO MUCH EASIER THAN PARENTING AS AN 8-5er. There. It's said. It's out in the ether.  Who would ever want a meeting with a teacher at 7:00pm on a Thursday?  Why can't you come get little Johnny right after school because he is sick? Don't you love your kid?  Why aren't these parents more involved in their kid's lives? The parents should help with homework.  You forgot your homework? What irresponsible parents you must have! What do you mean you didn't have time at home to do your 15 minutes of ...